Integrating with Businesses to Address their IT Needs Effectively‍

Integrating with Businesses to Address their IT Needs Effectively‍

Exchange Technology Services: Integrating with Businesses to Address their IT Needs Effectively‍

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Exchange Technology Services

Integrating with Businesses to Address their IT Needs Effectively

"The strength of a business lies in its ability to evolve."

CIO Review Article

Integrating with Businesses to Address their IT Needs Effectively‍

One business that understood the significance ofthis statement right at the beginning of its journey in the IT space isExchange Technology Services (ETS). Even though the company was firstestablished in 2013, it went on to redefine its existence in 2017 byintroducing a variety of IT and cyber security services. Today, ETS stands tallas a trusted and recognized managed services provider (MSP) --bringing inexpertise across the spectrum from application development and systemintegration to extending security support. 

ETS has broadened its portfolio of services andsolutions and the number of sectors it operates in. Initially, the companyfocused on the manufacturing and aviation industries; today, it has its rootsin various other sectors, including finance, hospitality, start-ups andhealthcare sectors. The firm has been witnessing an impressive growthtrajectory, evolving consistently to fulfill the market's changing needs. Thisis an outcome of the team's consistent efforts to deliver reliable managedservices to businesses and the expertise it has gained in the IT space owing toits association with leading players such as Microsoft, Splunk, Palo Alto, andVMware. 

ETS has garnered a vast client base in just a fewyears, addressing the needs of mid-sized to large businesses. The ability tooffer specialized support for app development, system integration, dataanalytics, business intelligence, and most importantly cyber security has givenETS the quintessential advantage in the industry. Further, as security remainsa key concern for businesses, the company emphasizes safeguarding its clienteleagainst any security threats and providing physical access security, personalidentification services, and single sign-on. One project that specificallyhighlights this capability involves a client that was facing a ransomwareattack. The customer, in this case, first tried approaching the problemthemselves but soon realized the need to rope in an expert that could help themdeal with the attack and help with the recovery afterward. The clientthereafter onboarded ETS, which within 24 hours, got the agreement drafted andsigned with the help of its staff, available on-site and remotely. "Weimmediately backed up the systems and carried out full disaster recovery forthe client," adds Chad Suffield, Director of Business Development and atExchange Technology Services. 

Similarly, in each of its projects, the companyensures to carry out a complete assessment of the clients' environment andrecommends the right solutions to keep them up and running. ETS operates as aone-stop shop, providing specialized support to companies that don't havededicated staff to deal with IT operations. Apart from the firm's expertise inIT, it's the competitive price point that makes it stand out. ETS has alwaysbelieved in pricing its services in a way that they remain affordable to itsclientele. 

The ETS team's "total IT"approach, which addresses all business-IT concerns with in-house solutions, hasbeen a major area of concentration. “It’s important forus to able to integrate and not just operate as a traditional IT provider. Weproactively assist our customers in planning the roadmap, upgrading thetechnologies and systems, and keeping up with the cyber security trends,"concludes Suffield. 

The company brings expertise in everything from cybersecurity, managed it & cloud services, and system integration to applicationdevelopment.

Listing Details: 


Management: Chad Suffield, Director – Director, BusinessDevelopment

Location: Manitoba, Canada

Description: A Managed Cyber Security Provider(MSSP), delivering industry-leading IT solutions to secureorganizations and help them get the most out of their IT systems.